A great Family Field Day this morning at Hoover Ridge….and anything that involved water seemed to be very popular considering temps were in the 90’s 🙂  Click any photo below to see the entire gallery.

August 20, 2016.
Madison Parks and Rec Family Field Day 2016, at Hoover Ridge Park

August 20, 2016.
Madison Parks and Rec Family Field Day 2016, at Hoover Ridge Park

August 20, 2016.
Madison Parks and Rec Family Field Day 2016, at Hoover Ridge Park

August 20, 2016.
Madison Parks and Rec Family Field Day 2016, at Hoover Ridge Park

August 20, 2016.
Madison Parks and Rec Family Field Day 2016, at Hoover Ridge Park

August 20, 2016.
Madison Parks and Rec Family Field Day 2016, at Hoover Ridge Park

August 20, 2016.
Madison Parks and Rec Family Field Day 2016, at Hoover Ridge Park
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