Aug 31 2010

Madison Volleyball picks up two wins over Orange

Published by at 10:32 pm under orange,volleyball

Madison varsity volleyball defeated Orange 3-2 tonight.  Orange won the first game 25-18, but Madison came back to win the next two 25-16 and 25-11.  Then Orange decided to push back my bedtime a little by winning the fourth game 25-16.  Madison came out with an early lead in the fifth and final game and would eventually win the match as Samantha Cubbage celebrated her birthday with a kill on the final point of the match.  (It wasn’t the photo below, but I liked this one better…..Sam framed by the blockers…..)


Madison’s JV volleyball team also defeated Orange with a 2-1 win.   Madison won the first game 25-22, lost the second 14-25, and was down 13-15 in the final game but came back to win 16-14 and take the match.


Just playing with the sunlight coming through the windows in the photo below, a little underexposure made for an interesting photo…


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