Madison varsity boy’s soccer defeated Page today 3-0. Madison was up 1-0 at the half on a goal by Mo Gentry. Luis Herrera and Matt Beeler (deflecting in a shot by Daniel Richards) scored in the second half to give Madison the win. (click either image to see the entire gallery)

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Madison varsity softball lost to Orange tonight 7-1. I only stayed through the 5th inning, it was just too dang cold! (click any image below to go to the gallery)

Getting a little better hang of the multiple exposure thing…..

Madison JV softball defeated Orange this afternoon 7-5. (click any image below to see that gallery)

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Madison’s varsity baseball team lost their season opener to Page tonight 4-2. (click any image below to see the gallery)

You’ll get tired of seeing these by the end of the season. I tried a few while I was at the softball game, but they didn’t turn out very well, so I’m not posting them. These two I like, but hopefully I’ll get better at them as the season goes on. They’re done in-camera, so there’s a bit of trial and error….mostly error.

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Madison opened their season with a win tonight defeating Page 4-3. (click any image below to see the gallery)

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As part of his senior project for Governor’s school, Drew Kelliher organized a 5K Run/Walk to raise money for Cystic Fibrosis research. More at this link on his Facebook page. Also, here’s a link to his interview this morning following the race on NBC 29. Click any of the photos below to see more from the event.

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