I covered JV and Varsity Boy’s Soccer yesterday, and Varsity Softball. I wasn’t able to stay to all of any of them, but still didn’t do too bad. You can click on one of the photos below to go to the appropriate gallery.

Orange JV Boys Soccer vs North Stafford

Orange Varsity Softball vs North Stafford

Orange Varsity Boys Soccer vs North Stafford
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Lastly for this evening was JV Softball vs Page. I didn’t stay too long, it gets really dark there, and until the days get a little longer, I can only shoot for 30-40 minutes before it’s just too dark. Anyway, Madison had a 5-1 lead at the end of the third inning.

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Next, it was back to Madison for varsity girl’s soccer. I headed over to catch a little jv softball before it got too dark, so I didn’t shoot all of the game. Brentsville was up 4-1 when I left, with a little over 10 minutes to play. Madison’s only goal was on a PK by Lindsay Wheeler. Click either photo to see the gallery.

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I shot boy’s tennis over at Orange this afternoon…first time ever for that sport. I’ll also be shooting more spring sports over at Orange tomorrow afternoon also, for their yearbook, and also North Stafford’s. Click either of the photos to see the gallery.

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I thought we’d be shooting soccer by moonlight yesterday by the time we were done! I think this is the first time I’ve ever done spring sports teams??? I usually end up doing fall and winter, but for some reason have never done spring. Did them this year for the MCHS Athletics’ website, and for the Madison Eagle also. You can click on any of the photos below to see the album on Facebook.

Varsity baseball looked good in the new white uniforms….and didn’t want to sit on the ground in the mud and wet grass…don’t blame them. So they did something different for their team picture…and I have to say I like it.

A.J. and L.J. wanted a “senior” photo for Track & Field. Spring sports miss out on the whole poster thing that I do for fall and winter since Wetsel gym isn’t used for any spring sports. So, I made up a poster for them.

And….I shouldn’t have taken this one…I was checking my lights, yeah, that’s what I was doing. But, it was hard to resist, I have to entertain myself somehow while I wait for the Victor O’Neill guys to set up the team photos….and I think Caleigh is on to me…

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