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The varsity girls lost to Rapp 3-1 giving them a 3-3 record in district play.

Cara slams one between two Rapp blockers...I usually like to see the subject's face in my photos, but I really like this one. I think it "tells the story" better than if it was shot from the other side of the net.

Ellie had a good night hitting...I think this picture was right after the "chair incident" (sorry, no pictures), maybe that explains Becca's expression 🙂
The JV girls picked up two easy wins against Rapp, only allowing Rapp 4 points in the first game. JV is now 5-1 in district play.

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More blurry volleyball pictures…I shoot a lot of volleyball, and I seem to keep taking the same pictures over and over again…so I tried the slow shutter speeds again. These were taken at 1/4 second. (If you want to see the regular pictures, and a few more blurry ones, just click on the blue button on the right.)
I like seeing the path of the ball in the three below..
Hannah blocking:

Jordan hitting:

Becca hitting:

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I shoot very few weddings, mostly because I just don’t have the time to give up weekends. BUT, I do enjoy them even if they are a lot of work. Here are a few pics from one I did a couple of weeks ago. I normally wouldn’t post from a wedding, but a friend sent me a few pictures she had taken of John and I (yes, same first name) and I just thought I’d share them…since I haven’t posted anything sports related for the last few days.
The first picture is one I took before the ceremony. John was the ring bearer, but took some time before the ceremony to snap some photos with his cool digital camera. The second two are ones my friend took at the reception.

John is letting me in on a few secrets he's learned in his many years as a wedding photographer 😉

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